Marketing Ops Pros
MO Technical Workshop | September 15, 2021

Webinar: Full-Cycle Integration for Marketo and Google reCAPTCHA v3

Sanford Whiteman, Master of Forms, will demonstrate a full-cycle integration of Google reCAPTCHA v3 into Marketo forms, including the JS to power the browser side, necessary Marketo fields and datatypes (probably trickier than you think), and the key Smart Campaigns (definitely trickier than you think!).

Recorded September 15th, 2021

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Sanford Whiteman

Sanford Whiteman

Sanford Whiteman, infamously obsessed moderator of the Marketo Nation community and MCSA, is a tech vet forged in the time of the browser wars. From servers and firewalls, to weird old web apps that somehowstill have subscribers, to modern SaaS services like FlowBoost for Marketo, Sandy's built it all.

In the Marketo world, he's the recognized expert in Apache Velocity. Another specialty is using the Forms JS API (and JS in general) to bring Marketo forms way, way outside the box. He blogs at


Ariel Sasso

With a strong background in marketing technology, automation, and analytics, I have a plethora of talents and skills that create growth in multiple channels. I thrive as a Subject Matter Expert and troubleshooting genie. I believe in innovation, teamwork and testing to build real-time benchmarks.